





校园公共安全提供安全, first aid 和 security services for the Pacific University community. Officers respond to all fire, medical 和 security related calls on campus.  校园公共安全 Officers are on duty 24-hours a day 和 are Oregon State Department of Public 安全 St和ards 和 Training (DPSST) certified Private Security Professionals.



The mission of 校园公共安全 is to provide a safe 和 secure environment 和 provide protection for the members of the Pacific University Community 和 the property of the University. 校园公共安全 is on-duty 24 hours a day to provide security services as well as responding to fire 和 medical emergencies on campus. Our goal is the protection of 和 service to our campus community. 校园公共安全 focuses on de-escalation, education 和 accountability as our first response to any situation.  

校园公共安全 supports the University mission of a diverse 和 sustainable community dedicated to discovery 和 excellence in teaching, 学术与实践. Pacific University inspires students to think, care, create, 和 pursue justice in our world.

校园公共安全 is dedicated to providing professional, honest 和 equitable service to all members of the community. We do not discriminate on the basis of 比赛, color, 国家或民族出身, 祖先, 年龄, 宗教或宗教信仰, 残疾, 性或性别, 性别认同和/或表达, 性取向, 军事, 退伍军人或越战身份, 或任何其他受保护的分类.

校园公共安全有几个 危机干预小组 trained members on staff 和 is working towards the goal of all officers being trained 和 certified in crisis intervention. Trained officers have attended a 40 hour state certification course sponsored by local county mental health 年龄ncies 和 local law enforcement.

校园公共安全 works closely with the 学生辅导中心, 学生支援服务平等和多元化办公室 & 包容 to ensure our students have a safe, healthy, supportive 和 equitable educational experience. 

To report a bias incident, sexual misconduct, report a concern or request advocacy, an 在线报告系统 是可用的.




校园公共安全 officers provide a variety of services to members of the Pacific University Community. 请用餐。 拳击手身份证 和你在一起.

  • The Escort Program makes CPS officers available to escort students, staff or faculty members on 和 off campus.
  • Jump-starting vehicles with dead batteries
  • 打开上锁的车辆
  • 关键协助进入安全实验室, classrooms or residence hall rooms (when Residence Life staff are unavailable)


  • If you see something happening that does not look right or someone who does not seem to belong on campus, 马上给校园公共安全部门打电话.
  • If you are the victim of a crime, call right away. 校园公共安全 Officers will write a report 和 contact the local police for you.
  • For medical emergencies, call 911 first 和 have someone else 马上给校园公共安全部门打电话. CPS Officers will coordinate with local emergency services 和 provide them access as necessary.



  • First, be ready to tell the CPS officer what is happening 和 where it is happening.
  • Second, CPS officers will need some basic information when you call to report an incident.

Try to note the following characteristics of suspicious persons or vehicles when reporting them to CPS:

  • 人:
    性别, 年龄, 高度, 重量, 构建, 头发的颜色, 比赛, 面部毛发(小胡子/胡须), 鬓角, 衣服穿, 演讲风格, 步态或跛行, 伤疤, 纹身, 等.
  • 车辆:
    License plate, make, model, body style (two-door, four-door, convertible, 等.), color, identifying marks, scratches, or bumper stickers


You can borrow an engraver from the CPS Office. Engrave your property utilizing your driver's license number in the following format: state of issue, driver's license number 和 the initials “DL” (without any spaces) like this: OR1234567DL

This will allow the police to locate the owner easily to return the property to the owner should they recover it. 你应该雕刻自行车, 计算机设备, 音响, graphing calculators 和 anything else with a high dollar value.


A valid university parking permit is required for all university lots. Student parking permits are $50 for the calendar year 和 will be charged to your student account. If you plan to bring your car to campus, complete a 允许应用程序. You will need your license plate number, as well as the make, model, year 和 color of your car. Your permit will be be delivered to your UC Box.



To access academic 构建ings 和 labs after regular hours, you will need your current 拳击手身份证 和你在一起. Many areas are designated as limited access areas by professors, so you will have to be on an access roster to get in. To access an area after hours, please do the following:

  • Go to the 构建ing you want access to 和 check to see if it is open
  • If the 构建ing is locked, use the nearest telephone 和 call 校园公共安全 at x2230
  • 当CPS官员接电话时, 告诉他们你的名字, what 构建ing 和 room number you need access to, 你有拳师团的身份证, 和 have checked the door 和 it is locked

The CPS officer will need all of this information.

Important Phone Numbers 和 Information Sources


503-352-2230 (森林林) | 503-352-7207 (西斯波罗)

24小时值班的警官. In case of an emergency, call 911 和 then contact CPS.