History of Pacific University

Founded in 1849, 俄勒冈州的美高美网络平台游戏可以追溯到森林格罗夫的一个小木屋会议室. Harvey Clark, a Congregationalist minister, and Tabitha Brown, a former teacher from Massachusetts, cared for and educated orphans of the Oregon Trail.

In 1846, 一位了不起的66岁寡妇和她的家人一起完成了艰苦的西部旅行,住在俄勒冈地区. Tabitha Moffatt Brown 她来到俄勒冈州时身无分文,却选择在西图瓦拉丁平原定居

1849 | Pacific University is founded

Brown, the Rev. Harvey Clark and his wife, Emeline, concerned for the welfare of the many orphans in the area, made arrangements to use a local meetinghouse in Forest Grove, Oregon, as a school, which became known as the Orphan Asylum. 到1848年,布朗已经是学生们的“家庭主妇”,也是学校背后的推动力量.

Old College Hall in the 1890's
A view of campus in the 1890s or 1900s. Old College Hall is in the foreground

In the summer of 1848, the Rev. George H. Atkinson came to Oregon, 受公理教会协会的家庭传教协会委托,“建立一所将发展成为大学的学院”... on the New England model.阿特金森和克拉克为一所新的儿童教育机构制定了计划, on land donated by Clark. 布朗捐赠了500美元,并同意将孤儿院改建为一所新学校. On September 26, 1849, the Territorial Legislature gave its official sanction to the new school, establishing by charter the Tualatin Academy. 这是新临时政府的第一个官方法案,比美国建国早了近10年.

To house the academy, Old College Hall was built in 1850. Old College Hall is still in use today. It houses Pacific's museum and is the site of important university traditions, including Sign, Shake and Ring, a tradition unique to Pacific. At those times, the bell can be heard ringing out across campus.

1863 | Pacific awards first baccalaureate degree

By 1854 a new charter had been granted, 成立了“美洲太平洋学院”,并开始开设大学课程. 公理会传教士是大学建立和发展的主要领导者, and that legacy is still regarded as an important influence. Pacific, along with such colleges as Dartmouth, Carleton, Oberlin, Grinnell, Rollins and Pomona, 这一传统可以追溯到350多年前美国高等教育的建立,当时是由美国第一个边疆的公理会先驱们创建的哈佛学院.

As an independent university, 美高美网络平台游戏继续与基督教联合教会高等教育委员会保持联系. The university supports religious pluralism, and is committed to instilling a sense of values and ethics, compassion, caring and conscience in both students and programs.

美高美网络平台游戏于1863年颁发了第一个学士学位,这是该地区的第一个. 这所大学成立了校友会,名为“校友会”."

1896 | Pacific receives a bronze Chinese statue as a gift. It soon becomes a college icon, called Boxer.

Gifted to the university around 1896 by the family of Rev. J.E. 沃克,中国雕像是一个青铜香炉形式的麒麟. 它最初在美高美网络平台游戏被称为“大学精神”,并启发了Boxer的概念, which became Pacific's mascot in 1968. 在它的许多化身中,Boxer一直是太平洋精神,骄傲和荣誉的象征.

Students gathered around the Spirit Bench in 1908.
精神板凳(以前的高级板凳)是由1908届的学生捐赠的, though the original bench was damaged and replaced in 1990. Today, 这个校园的标志性建筑经常被学生们在黑暗的掩护下喷漆, a tradition that developed over the decades.

1911 | State approves the offering of teaching certificates

In 1911, 美高美网络平台游戏成为该州仅有的三所获授权推荐高中教师证书的大学之一.

1915 | Academy closes as public high schools come on the scene

By 1920, the school had expanded to five buildings, including Herrick Hall (built in 1883), 一个全女生宿舍,通过为女学生提供生活空间,在使更多的女性获得学位方面发挥了重要作用, and Carnegie Hall (built in 1912), 这是该大学的第一座图书馆大楼,也是卡内基基金会在西部建造的三座学术图书馆之一,也是太平洋西北地区唯一的一座图书馆.

Female students during the annual Clean-Up day in the 1920's.
大约在20世纪20年代,女学生们在美高美网络平台游戏的年度清洁日盛装打扮. In the background, Marsh Hall is visible. 这座建筑建于1895年,1975年的一场毁灭性大火烧毁了建筑内部75%的部分. 它经过修复,现在是行政办公室、教员办公室和教室的所在地.

1959年,美高美网络平台游戏夏威夷学生俱乐部(Nā Haumāna O hawaii)成立

Students in the Lu'au in 1960.
The annual Pacific University Lu’au于1960年开始制作,是美国大陆最大的学生制作的卢修斯之一.

Throughout the latter half of the 20th century, Pacific University continued to expand with new academic offerings. Other health professions programs were launched, including Physical Therapy in 1975, Occupational Therapy in 1984, and Professional Psychology in 1985.

1968 | Boxer officially replaces the badger as the school mascot

1985 | Grand opening of Trombley Square, a popular student gathering place at the heart of the Forest Grove campus

1994 | The School of Education (now College of Education) is established

In 1994, the School of Education, now the College of Education, 是通过重组原本属于文理学院的专业教师教育项目而成立的. A year later, the Physician Assistant Studies program was added.


In 2004, the College of Health Professions was formed; consolidating all the health programs except for the College of Optometry under one umbrella. Pacific University's Hillsboro Campus opened in 2006 as home of the new college. In the same year, new programs in Pharmacy and Dental Hygiene were established, followed by a Master of Healthcare Administration program in 2008. 

2007 | The Lincoln Park Athletic Complex is constructed, offering state-of-the-art athletic facilities

菲尔·克莱顿校长的任期(2003-2009)标志着大学历史上的繁荣和扩张时期. 2006年,一项耗资5100万美元的筹资活动完成,推动了建筑热潮. Projects included the new campus in Hillsboro, a new library, two LEED-certified residence halls, an education and business building and extensive new athletics facilities. During this period, undergraduate enrollment increased by 18.5 percent and graduate enrollment increased by 22 percent, almost exclusively in the health professions. 

2009 | Pacific announces its 17th President, Dr. Lesley M. Hallick

2014年| Cascade Hall开放给学生居住,是第七个获得leed可持续建筑设计认证的大学建筑

Cascade Hall on a sunny day
2016年春日,阳光明媚,学生们在学校门前的草坪上玩游戏 Cascade Hall.

In 2009, Dr. Lesley M. Hallick became the university's 17th president. Under her leadership, the university has continued to grow. The Woodburn Campus opened in 2012, 在教育学院内提供本科和研究生教师准备课程. In 2013, the College of Business 是为了进一步发展现有的本科商业学位课程和增加研究生水平的课程而成立的.


美高美网络平台游戏继续通过“想象太平洋2020”计划未来, 这是一项战略规划,旨在为未来定位大学,同时保持其作为一个致力于学习和发现的亲密社区的核心身份.

“我们正在建立大学的使命,从最早的根源, 这所学校是由我们的创始人建立的,因为他们坚信所有人都有受教育的机会."

— Vision 2020 Strategic Plan

Today, Pacific University is a comprehensive university serving more than 3,800 undergraduate, graduate and professional students in the liberal arts and sciences, optometry, education, healthcare and business.

“这个页面目前正在由土著参与委员会审查, a subcommittee of the University Diversity Committee."


Boxer Posing On Wall In Front Of Forest Grove Campus

The bronze qilin statue, 它与美高美网络平台游戏同名,深受学生和校友的喜爱, is reunited with the university after a 55-year absence.

Les AuCoin '69

The newly remodeled building at the heart of the Forest Grove Campus, formerly known as Pacific Hall, honors the nine-time Congressman for his lifetime of service.

AAPI Month graphic

Pacific University, the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, and the Student Multicultural Center in collaboration with university partners, proudly celebrate Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month in May.