Transfer Students | Undergraduate Admissions

Pacific at a Glance

private research university in the Northwest

Student-to-Faculty Ratio

receive financial aid

Forest Grove, OR

Next start term
August 2024

Inquire Today

Don't wait to become a Boxer! Limited merit scholarships are available.

Pacific University offers small class sizes, individual advising, 以及一种适用于所有专业学生的学习理念. 无论你是否有兴趣从社区学院或大型大学转学, 美高美网络平台游戏提供了一个支持性的学术和社会环境,可能正适合你.


Pacific Priority: 

Two-Year Graduation Guarantee

Two-Year Graduation Guarantee当你拿到副学士学位转到美高美网络平台游戏的时候, 我们保证你将有机会获得所有的课程,你需要在两年内毕业的参与专业. 转学生报名参加两年的毕业保证, which maps out their path to graduation. 如果你不能按时毕业,因为我们没有提供必修课, we will authorize a substitute, waive the requirement, 或者支付你完成下学期的学费. 


Guaranteed Graduate School Admission 

Guaranteed Grad School Admission从第一天开始,在美高美网络平台游戏的研究生课程中预留一个座位. 学生可以申请并获得有条件录取美高美网络平台游戏研究生课程,只要他们承诺美高美网络平台游戏本科, or during their undergraduate years. 你会知道你要去哪里以及如何到达那里. And we’ll have your spot ready when you are!


Application Checklist

  1. Connect with Justin McRobert, your transfer admissions counselor.
  2. Visit campus, either virtually or in person.
  3. Schedule your Pre-Transfer Advising Session
  4. Apply! Takes about 30 minutes total.
  5. Send us your official transcripts
  6. Learn about our Financial Aid
  7. Deposit to hold your spot! (Instructions can be found here)

Apply Today

申请美高美网络平台游戏没有最低学时要求. 我们很乐意考虑完成一门或20门大学水平课程的申请人.

A minimum 2.7 GPA is preferred for admission, (累积大学GPA包括在所有学院/大学修过的课程).

申请时,你需要填妥并交回以下资料: Online Transfer Application (create an account, 登入并选择“开始一个新的本科转学申请”, a letter of recommendation from academic advisor, teacher, 或合适的教员(上传至申请表或发邮件给我们), and transcripts from all previous colleges attended. (申请时可转移学分少于30个学期或45个季度的申请人, 或者那些在高中毕业之前就获得大学学分的人, 除了大学成绩单外,还应提交高中成绩单和SAT或ACT成绩).


Transcripts should be sent to:

You may also begin your application process online, or by calling 503.352.2218.

Visiting Pacific

While on campus you can meet with our Transfer Team. 他们在这里帮助你探索美高美网络平台游戏提供给你的许多机会,并指导你在录取过程中. 你也可以要求与教师、教练或学术顾问会面. 参观一下美高美网络平台游戏的校园环境, which is available Monday-Friday 8 am - 5 pm. Schedule your visit online today! We also host a Transfer Student Open House Event in the spring. RSVP to join us for the next event!

我想从你舒适的电脑上访问? Launch Virtual Visit Experience


秋季和春季学期均接受申请,并以滚动招生为基础进行审查. 录取决定通常在收到完整的申请材料后三周内做出.

被录取的学生将收到正式的录取通知书,其中包括一份确认协议, housing information, and merit-based scholarship information.

Financial Aid & Scholarships

Merit scholarships up to $30,000 per year 是根据全面的申请审查自动授予被录取的学生吗. 这包括你的整个学术档案,而不仅仅是你的总GPA. 这些优秀奖学金每年自动续期.

美高美网络平台游戏也提供有限数量的2美元奖励,每年500美元奖学金给合格的Phi Theta Kappa会员.  这些奖学金颁发给符合条件的学生,先到先得, first-served basis so apply early for consideration!

As a small private liberal arts university, 美高美网络平台游戏还考虑为符合条件的学生提供基于机构需求的援助, awarded in the form of grants. To be considered for need-based financial aid, 你需要填写联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)表格. You can apply for the FAFSA online. 请使用我们的机构代码003212将您的FAFSA信息发送到太平洋.

请浏览我们的网站进一步了解有关的更多信息 Financial Aid and Scholarships.

Transfer Credits

Are you worried about which classes will transfer? Pacific accepts the AAOT (Oregon), DTA (Washington), LBRT (Hawaii), IGETC和CSU -广度(加州)副学士学位, 作为块转学学位,满足我们大部分通识教育的核心要求. Additionally, we maintain a number of transfer agreements with community colleges in Oregon and Hawaii. Connect with our Office of Academic Advising at, 有关您的课程如何转移和请求转移前建议支持的更多细节. 有关学术咨询的更多信息,请访问我们的 Transfer Advising page.

Transfer Evaluation and Registration

Transcripts are evaluated in two stages. 初步评估在学生被录取后完成. 这个初步评估将显示有多少学分将转移到太平洋. 在学生通过支付400美元的普通入学押金确认入学后,完成最终成绩单评估. 最后的成绩单评估将显示课程是如何转移的. Registration occurs, for deposited students, 在最终的正式成绩单被评估和学术顾问被指派之后(通常在6月至8月期间),以滚动的方式进行, and in January for spring starters). The Advising Center 也可以帮助你根据你的转学分计划你的学习课程吗.

Office of Transfer Student Services

The Pacific University Office of Transfer Student Services 是开放的,以帮助所有转学生顺利过渡和成功在他们的美高美网络平台游戏的经验,并协助每一步走向毕业. In addition, as advocates and representatives for students, 该办公室在与内部和外部选区就转学生问题进行沟通和合作方面发挥积极作用.